Feeling Like an Imposter

Many of us face each day feeling that we are somehow not measuring up.  When this occurs to the extreme, particularly in work life, it is called "imposter syndrome".  Imposter syndrome can affect how we view ourselves and how we experience the world.  This is certainly true when we are trying to privately cope with a health condition and we feel that the truth of the situation will somehow reveal that we are less capable and less worthy. As I work with clients and see the…

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Three Simple Calming Exercises

While it is important to regularly engage in self-care practices that nurture you, sometimes we all desire a quick fix. Whether you are stuck waiting in a doctor's office, dealing with a cranky co-worker or attempting to cope with an acute bout of pain, it is natural that you seek relief from distress. Try one of these quick activities the next time that you find yourself in need of instant support and care.  They are simple practices that can help you to ground yourself and find calm in…

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Spring Group Offerings

I am very excited to share that I will once again be co-facilitating with my fabulous colleague, Karen Gilbert, in 2016.  We will be offering two different group experiences next year based on the research of Brené Brown.  Both groups are designed for individuals who have health concerns and are looking to thrive in the midst of the challenges they face. In brief, the two programs will be: A two session experience based on the latest offering from Brené Brown: TheRising Strong™ book and curriculum.  In a…

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Live and Learn 3 – Peaceful Place Guided Visualization

In today's Live and Learn video, I guide you through a visualization of a peaceful place.  This may be any place that evokes comfort and calm for you.  It might be a real place you have been or it might be a place you have only imagined. This calming meditation may be helpful to draw upon if you find yourself caught up in the bustle of the holiday season.  The busyness of December can be both joyful and stressful and I encourage you to make time for moments…

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Recommended Reading – The Mindful Way Through Depression

Anyone who knows me knows of my belief in the benefit and power of mindfulness. Today I direct you to the book that began my own exploration of mindfulness.  Many years ago, I attended a Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) group that utilized this book and it really did change my life.  I learned tools to become more self-compassionate and to experience greater engagement and presence in my life.  Of course, I still need to discipline to practice or these lessons elude me! I recommend checking out The Mindful Way Through…

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Inspire Me Today

My post is a little later than usual this week in order to coincide with my story/words being published on the Inspire Me Today website! I invite you to read my inspiration on InspireMeToday.com and browse through the wisdom of more than 1000 other Inspirational Luminaries. In the words of the site itself: As members of the human race, we all have one thing in common, and that is the desire to better our situation and improve our lives. For many, it's far too easy to…

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I came across this brief article recently that discusses the importance of beauty as an essential human experience. Why Beauty Matters I find that the essential aspect of beauty is often heightened in the midst of health challenges.  When we are trying to cope with unpleasant symptoms or an uncertain future, beauty is a gift that simultaneously brings us into the present while also offering a reprieve.  Being exposed to acts or objects of beauty (whatever that means to you) is calming and nurturing. For some, this might mean a beautiful…

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The Importance of Hope

Last week, I presented two talks on the challenges of mental and emotional wellness when a person is experiencing physical illness.  One major theme centered around the importance of hope.  Whether the condition is acute or chronic, there can be a loss of hope when someone is forced to contend with a medical issue.  It can feel difficult to feel hopeful for the future when there is so much uncertainty (see this post).  Yet hope is crucial to resilience and forward movement in the long run.…

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This past weekend I attended a discussion group that touched on the topic what it means to be human and what is the influence of technology on being human (Please visit the Philosophy Dinners site for more information on such events in your city).  There were some rich conversations examining both how we are helped and hindered by our increasingly techological society. Since much of the counselling work that I do centers around the psychological needs of those with medical conditions, this topic naturally got me…

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