Moving – One of Life’s Many Changes and Challenges

I moved apartments this past weekend.  Distance wise, it wasn't far, but it certainly reminded me of the distress that can occur with change.  Life's transitions may be good or bad (and often both) and it is disorienting and taxing on our emotions and mental health. It seemed a metaphor for life as I sorted through my belongings and chose which objects to keep and which to discard.  Even the items that I knew were old and no longer useful held sentimental attachment and it took…

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Diabetes Webinar Link

Last month I was thrilled to present for the Canadian Diabetes Association on the topic of "Diabetes Burnout".  It's a subject I am familiar with both as a person with diabetes and as a counsellor who sees clients who struggle with burnout.  Sometimes the daily management tasks can wear us down.  When they do we need to be gentle with ourselves as we harness our strengths and resources to get back on track. The slides from the presentation can be viewed below.    

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Hints of Spring

I love the transition seasons (spring and fall) and I am thrilled that spring seems to be on its way her in Vancouver.  The world is coming alive with fresh growth and tendrils of warmth from the sun.   I tend to see metaphor all around me and that includes the seasonal shifts.  The spring blossoms remind me of the cycles of our own lives.  As trite as it may sound, I see hope in the shoots springing up from the once frozen ground. In our…

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Recommended Reading – The Book of Awesome!

My Recommended Reading this month is the "The Book of Awesome" by Neil Pasricha.  I write this with a solemn awareness that often in the midst of our health struggles it can be difficult to locate those moments of joy or peace. This book is not about ignoring the hard times or "putting on a happy face".  It is about noticing some small pleasures even in the middle of difficult times.  I like that philosophy. It is unrealistic and unhelpful to expect someone who is in…

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Expressing Love Without Words

Here we are in February, the month of love.  Valentine's Day advertising is all around us and feeding us the idea that this is the time to express our love. This can be a real challenge for people with communication disorders and their families.  Words may not be an easy route for people who struggle to speak or to understand due to a communication disorder. So here is a chance to be creative and find some non-verbal ways to express your love and appreciation:   Share…

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Links I Love

Mindfulness and meditation are big parts of my personal journey.  I often include elements of each in my approach with clients if it is something that they are open to.  As part of my own ongoing practice I signed up for a 30-Day Meditation Challenge for February. If you currently engage in meditation yourself, engaging in a challenge can be a way to focus your practice.  That said, be gentle on yourself when taking on a challenge like this, especially if you have other health issues. …

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January Musings

While the holidays often carry a strong emotional charge, either good or bad, most of us find ourselves back to our routines in January. This can come with it's own set of trials whether we are dealing with health concerns or not.   The holidays may be fraught with challenges as we strive to balance energy with social obligations that come through December. We may feel emotionally taxed as the variability in day-to-day life overwhelms functioning that is already difficult because of health concerns. It can…

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