Quotes on Change

Today's post is a mega-dose of quotes!  Katie over at Conquering Fear Spiritually writes beautifully about the challenges of living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  Her posts are always full of wisdom and compassion with a strong positive vibe throughout. Recently she posted 10 Quotes About Change.  Hop on over there and check them out. My favourite of those posted was this one: “Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.” – Nikos Kazantzakis I love the spirit behind those words and the…

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Feeling Like an Imposter

Many of us face each day feeling that we are somehow not measuring up.  When this occurs to the extreme, particularly in work life, it is called "imposter syndrome".  Imposter syndrome can affect how we view ourselves and how we experience the world.  This is certainly true when we are trying to privately cope with a health condition and we feel that the truth of the situation will somehow reveal that we are less capable and less worthy. As I work with clients and see the…

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Type 1 Diabetes Memes

I know that the holidays can be both joyous and yet also stressful, regardless of your health status.  For those of you readers who have diabetes, I offer you a lighthearted link today to hopefully bring a smile to your day. Type 1 Diabetes Memes The wonderful folks at Type 1 Diabetes Memes have a tumblr blog as well as a Facebook feed with posts that frequently make me laugh out loud.  It's nice to poke a little fun at the condition that can sometimes feel…

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The Jubilee Project

Sometimes my news feed provides me with links to projects, essays and videos that I might not otherwise see.  One such powerful video came from today's recommended site: The Jubilee Project The Video "Comfortable: 50 People, 1 Question" is a lovely short film created by the this group.  The Jubilee Project was created by three friends in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake in 2010 and their desire to spread goodness in the world through videos.  The site has many short films to view and while…

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Therapeutic Myths

There are many misconceptions about therapy and what it is like to be in counselling.  Recently, I contributed my thoughts to an article on this topic.  Please follow the link to the article below to learn more about one man's experience and thoughts about therapy. What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About How Therapy Actually Works

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A Diabetes Community

A regular theme here is that sometimes dealing with a chronic illness can be quite lonely.  For those of you who would like to be able to connect with and learn from others with diabetes, I highly recommend this site: TuDiabetes Though I linked directly to the blog listing, there is a wealth of information throughout the site, including expert interview, user blogs and also a community discussion / forum area. Be aware that the site might not be everyone.  I have found it to be a…

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I came across this brief article recently that discusses the importance of beauty as an essential human experience. Why Beauty Matters I find that the essential aspect of beauty is often heightened in the midst of health challenges.  When we are trying to cope with unpleasant symptoms or an uncertain future, beauty is a gift that simultaneously brings us into the present while also offering a reprieve.  Being exposed to acts or objects of beauty (whatever that means to you) is calming and nurturing. For some, this might mean a beautiful…

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Self-help recommendations from Raptitude

I often feed my connection to mindfulness through the reading and surfing I do online.  One site I recently visited is Raptitude.   In particular, I enjoyed this post (click on the text below): Five self-help books that actually helped David provides his own insight as to why these selections resonate with him and I agree with the recommendations he makes. They are generally approachable titles that make realistic claims and offer thoughtful and widely-applicable wisdom. Please let me know if you have any favourites (or if…

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The Importance of Hope

Last week, I presented two talks on the challenges of mental and emotional wellness when a person is experiencing physical illness.  One major theme centered around the importance of hope.  Whether the condition is acute or chronic, there can be a loss of hope when someone is forced to contend with a medical issue.  It can feel difficult to feel hopeful for the future when there is so much uncertainty (see this post).  Yet hope is crucial to resilience and forward movement in the long run.…

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