A Generous Link

A friend sent me a link to this article from The Huffington Post that I would like to share with you: How Generous Are You Willing To Be? Often when we consider generosity we see it as an altruistic act towards another person.  This piece of writing is a refreshing take on how sometimes generosity is expressed through allowing our beautiful gifts to shine in the world.  So often it is the simple, yet brave, act of sharing our authentic selves that brings enrichment to the…

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Diabetes Webinar Link

Last month I was thrilled to present for the Canadian Diabetes Association on the topic of "Diabetes Burnout".  It's a subject I am familiar with both as a person with diabetes and as a counsellor who sees clients who struggle with burnout.  Sometimes the daily management tasks can wear us down.  When they do we need to be gentle with ourselves as we harness our strengths and resources to get back on track. The slides from the presentation can be viewed below.    

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Green Link Love

Today is St Patrick's Day and so "green" seemed an appropriate theme for a blog post.  Thinking green thoughts led me to recall the ways in which contact with the natural environment in our lives can support our mental and emotional well-being.  Here are three links to explore: Mental health doctor prescribes a good dose of nature - Who better than David Suzuki to open a dialogue on the psychological and emotional benefits of nature experiences? Green Cities: Good Health - This piece explores the restorative…

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Love Links for February Link Love

Continuing on in the theme of love that spans out of Valentine's Day, today I offer up two links that explore love in unique ways. Tom's Story - This was posted on the Aphasia Institute's website.  It is inspiring to see how these two individuals learned new ways to love one another after his stroke.  I am sure it took time for them to reach a place of peace (and it probably is an ongoing balancing act).  Yet it is hopeful to see how this couple…

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Links I Love

Mindfulness and meditation are big parts of my personal journey.  I often include elements of each in my approach with clients if it is something that they are open to.  As part of my own ongoing practice I signed up for a 30-Day Meditation Challenge for February. If you currently engage in meditation yourself, engaging in a challenge can be a way to focus your practice.  That said, be gentle on yourself when taking on a challenge like this, especially if you have other health issues. …

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